Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Observations From My Sickbed

Soooo...I've been on bedrest since Monday because of a particularly nasty episode of my Sciatic nerve..or however it's spelled. All I know is...that mickeefickee HURTS. And as we all know...anytime I have too much time on my hands..and just the right amount of good drugs :) I gits to thinkin' a bunch of random shit. Like: I just got home from the library...damn, I miss being able to jump in the car and go to the library one a week. But I did find an awesome cd today. 

I am sitting here listening to it and thinking *My Mom is gonna LOVE this cd if she has never heard it before* Bobby Womack singing some very old gospel songs. Right now, he is singing *It Is Well* and I swear, I'm about to catch the Holy Ghost. 

I've been unable to pretty much do anything except sleep since Monday..literally..can't stand up, can't walk, etc...Errrm..why have my kids fed me a total of ONE time? That was on Monday. Please Lawd Jesus...when I become an invalid old woman..don't leave me with my children!! I've been stuck on my bed like it's Survivor Island...going on scavenger hunts for food that I've had hidden in my room. Thank goodness I'm such a greedy bitch and had food in my room. I've survived off a pound of twizzlers, a huge bag of Doritos, a bag of Oreos and a bottle of ginger ale. 

I like this muscle relaxer/Percocet combo...alot. But I don't like the side's giving me dry mouth so bad that my tongue and lips have been splitting. I didn't even know your tongue COULD dry out!! That's some new shit for me. I am getting WAY too bored and need to get back to work. Last night I spent 2.5 hrs straight trying to unscrew the barbells on my piercings so that I could change the earrings. 2.5 HOURS..and still never got them unscrewed. 

 Apparently, the piercer must have the strongest freakin fingers in the world, because all I did was blister up my fingers and give myself sore piercing spots from trying. I then spent over an hour peeling the sunburn on my legs. Who knows what fun I'll get into today when I get bored, lol.  I took a dose of Percocet and Muscle Relaxer about 30 minutes ago and I can feel it starting to work through me (Get this nice warm and tingly kinda feeling and a stupid smile on my face), so forgive me if I start having typos or typing something weird. I'm trying to catch the mistakes as I make them though. 

My feet look terrible. Thatisall..I'm looking at my feet and realizing that I need a pedicure. Like a month ago. My feet look like I've been soaking them in a bowl of flour. Talking about those damn Doritos got me hungry for some...but I think they are all gone. Damn. I really did have an actual topic I was planning to blog about today...but I forgot what it was. I'll come back if I can ever remember what it was.


  1. This was a really cute read! The part about your children and being an invalid? I've told my own children before! I have one child that I told, "When I get old I'm going to give explicit instructions NOT to be left alone with you!" She laughed. I WAS SERIOUS! Well I hope you're feeling better.
    BTW: I don't know how this site works, but saw this on Facebook.
    Take care!

  2. I can only imagine. The back spasm I had a few years ago LAID ME OUT!!!! I was on 3 different meds and was in and out of consciousnesses for 3 -4 days. It sucks. But you make sure you get your rest!!
