Monday, April 26, 2010

4:30 a.m. ramblings

Sooo, it's 4:30 in the morning and I've been up for 90 minutes now. Imani is in the midst of a manic phase (nothing more fun than a bipolar 10 y/o..) and has been up wandering the house with EVERY light blazing since 3...therefore, I too am up :( I get up at 3 and ask her why she is up at 3. She answers in her manicky lil voice *WellfirstIgotuptolookformyglassesbutnowI'mfindingmyclothesforschoolsoIcanbeready!!*

Night before, she wandered the house ALL night..never went to sleep. I can't wait to see what tonight brings. Anywhoo....

Why is it that we never do our major worrying until the middle of the night? I had to get up and come downstairs because I was just laying in the bed..worrying, thinking, going over finances and trying to solve poverty, world hunger, the National Health Insurance debate AND how to pay Time Warner, Electric Company, Rent, Sprint and a food bill off a currently negative bank account. doesn't seem really possible to me either.

Dreamed last night that I couldn't stay in my house for a few days because a Polar Bear kept coming out of the wall and the exterminator told me that "No, you can't stay here until we make it out there, because Polar Bears will snatch you up out of your sleep. You gotta find someplace to stay* So, we went and stayed with Evy in Boston (MA). Yes..I still lived in SC, but it made perfect sense to me in my dream to go stay with Evy and just drive to work in the mornings.

My eyes are burning like a mickeefickee. I am gonna be wiped out at work today.

JaMelle and I had the funniest TMI conversation when he stopped by the house yesterday. Yes, I know it's TMI, but hell, ya'll already know I ain't got no damn sense anyway. Sooooo...seems that both our stomachs were upset all day AND we also had gas but because our stomachs were upset, we didn't trust that our farts wouldn't be "sharts", so we kept going to the bathroom every time we felt we needed to fart. Just to be on the safe side. That poor bathroom door was revolving by the time he left to go home, lmaoooo.'s 4:53 and my alarm will be going off in 7 minutes to get Imani ready for school. You know you live in the South when your child's schoolbus comes at 5:40 in the damn morning!!

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