Friday, November 15, 2019

Lisa's Hospital Adventures

Long post ahead.  Soooo..Thursday morning, the boys were supposed to go to their first dental appointment, an appointment that I'd literally waited months for by the way.  And as soon as I woke up, I knew I was gonna have to get to the doctor.  

My asthma had been escalating for a few days, but controlled with inhalers and nebulizers...but as soon as I woke up, I was like NOPE, I'm gonna need some prednisone.  My Dr is very pro-active because he knows my asthma and how severe it can quickly get, so he has told me anytime the asthma starts flaring up, come to the office as a walk in, and he will order me some prednisone.  In and out.  SOOOO I get there.  They see me pretty quickly..within 15 minutes.  My Dr is not in, but that's no biggie.  The nurse brings me back, hears me wheezing across the room and goes to get a nebulizer.  I do a treatment.  She listens.  Goes for the supervising doctor.  He tells her to get me 60 mg of prednisone and another nebulizer setup.  I do another treatment.  They come back, tell me they are calling an ambulance and that from now on..go directly to the ER when my asthma flares up.  Ambulance comes..ambulance driver recognizes me from the 2 other times she has transported me from the dr office to the ER for the same thing.  Says..girl...from now on..skip the steps and just call the ambulance from home.  I'm trying to explain that I dont like to abuse ambulance or Emergency Room usage..I try to start with my dr office, but she was like..looka here girl...we are doing this every other month, it's not abuse..your asthma goes hard and you cant be out taking your time.

Soooo..get to the E.R.  Its busy as usual, so they put me in the asthma bay (a set of like 3 chairs with oxygen hookups next to them in the hall)  Sat there on a neb for maybe 40 minutes.  Then they decided they needed to get some magnesium in me via iv (it helps with asthma attacks or something) but my veins are shot due to so many hospitalizations.  So 4 sticks later, they call in a specialist..he gets it in literally about 45 seconds, but it's in my inner elbow sideways, so I have to keep my arm ramrod straight until I am discharged.  Then the dr asks me how I'm feeling.  I say I'm much better and that I know my asthma and this isnt a bad attack and I can handle it at home, and  they told me I was being admitted and they put me into one if the ER "rooms" (gurney and chair with curtains around it) Im sitting there did you ask me for then????  There I chargerless, tv less, foodless, drinkless) from 12-5.  I think the nurse came in maybe 3x..2 of them to give me nebs.  No pillow, no sheet, no water...hell, they didnt even give me a damn gown to put on, lol.  Finally at 5, they brought me upstairs to a room.

Nurse comes in, gets my vitals, starts a neb, does the whole 50 questions..and leaves.  I'm STILL sitting in my street clothes in a damn bed I'm supposed to sleep in.  I was in the room for 2 HOURS before I finally got someone to give me a damn gown!!  

So now I'm sitting here and all of a sudden, my stomach gets to cramping.  But not like..little was about to give birth cramps.  They were coming like every 4-5 minutes.  I'm like..omg, I'm gonna be sick.  My face was burning hot, I was sweating..I was starting to do the rock.  Oooh lawd....This was not gonna be pretty.  And I'm not on a private floor.  I had a private room, but this floor has shared bathrooms.  Like 8 rooms share each bathroom.  And I am a VERY shy bathroom user.  I cant go outside my house.  But it was about to be drama.  And then I look up.  WHYYYY did this woman get brought up and admitted to the room next to the bathroom and she was under police guard and they were the 2 sexiest biiiiiig beautiful brothas in uniform ever??  I was like..oh I KNOW I cant go to the damn bathroom!!!  When I tell ya'll,  I called that nurse and asked for some maalox so quick!!  I BET you, I never went to the bathroom the whole night!!  P.S.  Apparently,  a very upset stomach and severe cramping is a side effect of iv magnesium.  

Rest of the night was uneventful.  Oh wait..they did have to come in and start some kind of fluids in my iv all night because my heart was going too fast for too long and wasnt slowing down.  Nebs every 4 hours and a good nights sleep without dem babies.  My nurse brought me a charger, so I was able to charge my phone all night.  I was awake by like 4 something this morning.  Dr came in at maybe 9:30 and are you feeling?  I say, I feel great, other than my throat being blown from all the nebs ( it's a side effect)  I said I told the dr yesterday that I didnt think I needed to be admitted.  He laughs and shoulda said it more forcefully.  He tells me that I'm discharged but it will take a while.  No problem, I'm used to that discharge wait.  I settle in and watch Law n Order SVU.  Around 12, the nurse brings me my discharge papers.  But tells me she wants me to wait for lunch.  I'm it about to come?  I'm thinking...maybe she just assumes my fat ass is hungry.  So I wait.  Now it's about 12:40 and I'm tired if waiting..put my coat on and get all the way to the exit.  Nurse stops me.  "You are breathing too hard.  Go back to your room and wait for lunch and then I'll get you a wheelchair.  I dont want you walking downstairs"  I dont know when I punked tf up..but I turned my simp ass around and walked back to the room and got back on the bed (she was right about the breathing..I cant walk more than 10 feet without getting takes me 3-4 days to bounce back after bad attacks) Finally at 2:00 they bring the damn lunch!  And I will be damned if that lunch was not freaking amazing!!  And I swear, I was eating my last bite of fish when the wheelchair transport arrived, lol.  She had even arranged for a voucher for a lyft to take me home because she didnt want me riding the buses home.  

The muhfuggin END of my latest hospital adventure

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

*taps the mic* Is This Thing On?

So one of my friends suggested that I write, and it reminded me that I actually do have this blog...I've just become lazy about updating it.  But I realize that writing really does bring me pleasure, and it helps me to clear a lot of sh.... junk out of my head it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start back up.  Because head space has been a bit janky.

I guess I should do a sort of intro, even though I've had this blog for like ugh...10 years or so now (if you scroll back, you can read old posts) I know there may be some new readers who are new to me, new to my crazy life...and the crazy stories I tend to tell.

I'm Lisa...Lis...LiLi...all of the above.  52 years old.  I live in Boston.  Born and raised here, but I spent the years of 2008-2017 in South Carolina (mainly in Columbia) and also consider that home.  I moved back to Boston to be closer to my family and support system, as my health was getting worse (severe asthmatic, congestive heart failure and spinal stenosis)

I'm Mama to 3.. Aaron is 32.  Happily married to Laura.  Aaron was born with 2 types of malignant cancer and a syndrome called Epidermal Nevus Syndrome (where the body reproduces different types of cancer).  He also has Asperger's, which is on the Autism spectrum.  He was also born with some congenital birth defects.  His first years were basically one big hospital visit, between specialists, chemotherapy,  surgeries and emergency visits.  But he is doing awesomely now.

Next up is Aja Dawn.  Aja is forever 23.  Her life was taken at the age of 23 on June 13, 2014 in an act of Domestic Violence.  She was an amazing young woman, and I'll probably share a million stories about her.

The last of my biologicals is Imani.  She is 20.  We were told when was 2 that she would diagnosed as bipolar by the time she was 7.  Unfortunately, it presented so severely that by the time she was 5, we already had that diagnosis by one of the top children's psychiatry units in Mass.  She's had her ups and downs.  As I'm sure those who love someone living with bipolar disorder know, you have your good and bad days.

And lastly...we have Thing 1 (Bryson- 3 y/o) and Thing 2 (Na'eem 2 y/o).  They are the grandsons that I am raising.  Both have some health challenges that keep me pretty busy.  Bryson was born prematurely with gastroschisis (his intestines were outside of his body) He spent approximately 6 weeks in the NICU, where he had surgery to insert the intestines.  But as a result of the birth defect, he has short bowel syndrome.  He is also non verbal autistic.  In the last 6 months, he has learned SOOO many words though!!  And he uses them. A LOT.  Na'eem is my lil Mr Personality.  He loves to entertain.  Severely asthmatic since about 6 months old, he has spent a lot of time in the hospital, but it doesnt slow him down at all.

Whoooo... that's a lot of reading huh??  Warning...I'm wordy asf.  Oh yeah, and I cuss.  I'll try to ease up on the cussing in the blog though.  But I definitely talk alot.  I just wanted to give ya'll a backstory into who I am as a person and where I'm coming from as a woman, as a writer and as a human being though.  Some entries may be wordy like this..some may be short n simple.  

I still have to write an intro about my "forever kids".  They are not mine by birth, but I claim em as mine and I love them like my own, so I talk about them a lot.  Anyway....deuces for now.....✊🏼✌🏼