Everything Booboo.
I know that the last couple of years, the phase seems to be these super young cats chasing older women..the "cougars", but I will be be SOOOO happy when the phase passes. Let me preface that by saying, yep..I've dated some younger guys..so I know some of them can be appealing. BUTTTTTTTT...this new phase, it seems like these lil boys are getting younger and younger. And I'm sorry but, I have NO plans to raise any more children.
Anywhoo....I usually try to keep it light when the youngins approach me. *I'm sorry Sweety, but my KIDS are older than you* And then comes the inevitable *Whats age got to do wit it?* Umm...EVERYTHING Booboo.
Let's discuss. There are the obvious differences:
Im a grown ass woman, with grown ass woman issues. I have been married, divorced, married, divorced again, had children, raised children, dealt with life changing challenges and health issues, started careers, paid grown ass woman bills, build grown ass woman debt, etc.
You have MAYBE moved from your parents house and into a dorm room. Maybe you have had a lil part time job or done work study. Umm...thats it.
Then you get the inevitable...*I'm mature for my age. I always dated older women* I don't care...you ain't never dated MY old ass!! There are certain things about a woman over a certain age, that just are not gonna be understood by someone that young. Yeah, they can empathize, but until they have LIVED to a certain age, you will never understand: aging body issues, high blood pressure, being afraid to sneeze cough or laugh, hearing fading, teeth getting weaker, can't eat fast food anymore, feet swelling, hair turning grey...OTHER hair turning grey!!! Etc etc.... So miss me with that.